Saturday, May 26, 2012


Ok, I started off with looking at Pinterest then got completely distracted and spent quite a while looking for ancient India pictures to pin on a board. That went ok and I repinned someone else's picture and shared one of mine in a tweet.

PREZI and SLIDEROCKET are pretty powerful software and I think I'd use both of them. I found sliderocket more straightforward and easier to manipulate but I was a bit frustrated in not being able to work out how to change layout and fonts for the whole slides. Prezi provided a lot of options for movement and pathways and I found it a bit tricky to set it up. You have to think in 3d while looking at a 2d screen. I would also encourage my students to use these for presenting their own work and collaborating with others. My year 8s have just started a film study and I think these tools will motivate them-------more fun than just writing a straight text.

Rather than starting from scratch, I imported some old presentations and fiddled around with them a bit. I did import an image and youtube into Sliderocket....hope this doesn't breach copyright, which seems pretty complex these days.


  1. If it's on youtube its public! Well that's how i see it anyway. Copyright is difficult these days because of the nature of the internet but as long as you attribute the work and don't claim it as your own, its generally fine. There is a good website that helps explain a lot for web sharing
    and after watching the Everything is a Remix well you will see...
    Presentations look great! I especially enjoyed the Simon Pegg vid :)Thanks for sharing them Phil. on your blog and on twitter!

    1. Thanks Felicity,
      try this out

  2. hahaha oh dear maybe some acting lessons for that teacher wouldn't go amiss, but very funny!!
