Saturday, May 5, 2012


Google news was pretty straight forward and I liked being able to adjust sources of content. Google reader irked me a abit because when yopu search you get a lot of stuff you don't want i.e. blogs that actually don't have much to do with what you are after but have one word e.g. 'Byzantine' meant ended up with heaps of uninteresting stuff but I did learn how to unsubscribe as a result!! I created an iGoogle page and added some content such as humour, news and weather. I have started to organise my documents into Google docs and have shared a couple of docs as a test of how it happens. Next week. I'll have a go at adding a picasa or flickr gadget. I couldnt set up a flickr account with the google sign in and i seem to remember a picasa account somewhere but the sign in details are probably history. Its anmazing how the time passes. I got going at about 8am and now its nearly 11! Its personally stimulating but I can wonder if using some gadgets at school will be blocked by the Education Department e.g can't access youtube online.


  1. Can't get the time zone to set to Central Asutralian Time!

  2. Oh peanut! No youtube at school?? but how do you procrastinate?! You've obviusly had a good dig around though Phil, I really appreciate the effort ;D It didn't even require daughter intervention by the sounds!

    1. No daughter intervention yet but she's coming home on the weekend: I expect major critical insights then!
