Sunday, May 20, 2012


Well.........I had some trouble getting beond the first page but eventually managed to save a website into the library- not quite sure how. After thsi i quite enjoyed fiddling around and creating a list and a group. There is an amazing amount of stuff you can look for and tap into if you want. I even tweeted something i liked. I would like to spend a bit more time with this but it might have to wait till next week when things at work settle down. Social media, web 2.0 are fun and there are so many connections but our work lives are so linear at school and so are our work environments: they are more like the C19 the C21. What we need is time and this would mean that the nature of ou.r work would have to be reconceptualised outside the current formula of x.teachers: y.students @ time. Yes yes I know that the budget controls all but these are just choices. teachers need time and space to really engage new technologies and embed them in practice. I guess incremental change is best: one thing at a time.


  1. Keep thinking big Phil, that's where your best ideas come from and how changes happen! Education is very linear and there is great evidence to suggest that we are better learners in a changing environment rather then a routine, rote learning system. So if you get some ideas on how to change what you do then definitely try them out! thanks for the thoughts this week :)

  2. Useful web2.0 links for reference to add:
