Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Search Engines.....

Kngine proved to be a bit of a dud as they must have moved it from an online thing to a mobile app thing so all I could get was the advert for downloading the app to the iphone which in my case is a work one and I need some code that I don't have because basically these downloads cost heaps apparently. I liked the little video and tweeted it. Anyway, I have never been able to download an app; what's on the phone is what i have. So maybe I need a personal mobile....? Anyway I continued with my search terms "learning Chinese pedagogy". First I checked out Twurdy and saved to Diigo and also used bit.ly. Through Twurdy, here is an article I found from another search engine, for free articles, www.articlebase.com . I wasn't keen on Blekko as it tended to throw up commercial textbooks, software or institutions but I did like this media article: Found this general article about
growth of Chinese


View Chinese as a foreign language and over 3,000,000 other topics on Qwiki.
The Dewey Digger and the Wolfram Alpha weren't super helpful for the topic I was focusing on although i did find an interesting article on ERIC through D/digger: Found this from a Podobook on podcastco from Big Shed audio documentaries. it has nothing to do with Chinese but it caught my attention!

I'm not certain which engines are best: I think it depends on purpose but Twurdy and Blekko are probably better for more specific inquiries unless your looking for journals/articles/books which might be more suited to ERIC and other such archives.

Had a look for some other engines and came across http://www.mamma.com/  and located this opinion piece about learning Chinese and yes there is a reference to pedagogy.

1 comment:

  1. I could happily while away an afternoon on your blog Phil :)
