Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In the beginning..........

I have made a rudimentary blog once before but I had forgotten about it. In fact I reckon I've forgotten more than I have learned. I have used wikis too and signed up for some educational ones. With the wiki I used - technolote- it seemed like a collection of blogs on a common theme with an administrator whereas a blog is just a personal thing that others can add comments to.

I have had a go at moodle too but the trouble with these things is time and that the technology works when you want it to! I am hoping that this course means that what I am learning will stick more because I am learning by doing. This should help me to develop skills and ideas about how to use the Web 2.0 tools to actually teach. Its one thing to know about it and another to be able to actively use it. This is going to be especially important as the school moves more completely to an online learner managment system- Daymap.


  1. hahaha well I am sure it will all start coming back to you as we trundle along! It sounds like you've got an interesting year ahead if your school is converting their learner management system too. Hopefully some of the tools we look at will come in handy with your goals. Moodle is a little labour intensive so I don't blame yu for abandoning that one but I discovered a completely online virtual classroom tool some time ago which is fantastic and very user friendly, especially for those used to facebook. Have you tried Edmodo? if not, definitely give that one a go :) Great to hear from you Phil!

  2. There's no 'all' to come back, just bits and pieces of technobabble with a few small steps into the great unknown!
    Anyway, my daughter who is doing multi media at latrobe as part of her education degree reckons that she can help me too: fair trade for the many assignments of hers I've read over the years. Should be fun.
